
Angel Parilli Takes Us Behind the Scenes Of His Track ‘Take Me Back’


Get ready to dive into the creative process behind Angel Parilli’s latest release, ‘Take Me Back,’ featuring the captivating vocals of Fairy Muze. In this behind-the-scenes interview, Angel shares the inspiration, technical decisions, and collaboration that shaped the track; from crafting the unique bassline to layering melodies and working with Fairy Muze’s distinctive voice, Angel gives us an inside look at how this powerful and hypnotic track came to life.  
Join us as we explore the journey behind ‘Take Me Back’ and the artistry that drives Angel’s dynamic sound. 

Hi Angel Parilli! Congrats on the release of ‘Take Me Back’; how does it feel to have the track out in the world? Have you received any feedback from fans  yet? 

It’s a very great feeling. And exciting always no matter if the song goes well or not to well. Lol. 

The feedback for this track was great from fans, they really like the fusion of my music with my friend Fairy Muze’s voice.  

What inspired the creation of ‘Take Me Back,’ and how did you envision it  coming to life? 

I never start a song with an idea of what I want to song to be about. I just get carried away by the sounds I tweak and design at the beginning of the composition. Which means when I start making a new track, I better achieve a concept for the new song I’m working within an hour or so, because I need a name to save the recording session in my computer lol. 

Can you walk us through the production process for this track? What were the  key steps involved? 

The process is long so I’m going to talk about how the song started to become an actual idea instead of just designing sounds & exploring. I started playing with a bass synth I was in love with, then added a solid kick. For some reason, I couldn’t figure out why the bassline I recorded didn’t fit well with the kick, it didn’t matter how much work i put into it. So, for some strange reason, I felt like playing the bassline in reverse. As a result of that, I ended up with that awesome low end part of the song. Everything else after that just felt in place quickly.  

How did your collaboration with Fairy Muze come about? What drew you to  work with her? 

After we met and played at the show in Downtown Los Angeles, we started talking about music and share songs we’ve done before. She showed me a song where she was singing and I loved her voice immediately. Then based on her tone of voice, I wrote the lyrics for ‘Take Me Back’, and asked her to feature on it and she said ‘yes’ right away and it came out better than what I had in mind. We are also working on new tracks now. 

What technical elements or tools did you find crucial in achieving the sound you wanted for this release? 

The use of reversing the bassline was crucial. I used an expander plug-in for the bass and kick together and some other nerdy tricks here and there.  

I lower her low frequency until it landed in the EQ graph on frequencies most sounds on the track were not hitting, then boosted a bit her high frequencies to make it sounds airy. 

Can you describe the role that Fairy Muze’s vocals played in shaping the final  version of the track? 

I’m an instrumentalist. I used instruments to express what words most of the time can’t communicate. But when I listen to the track, I kept imagining fans in a festival singing my song, but… I had no singer on it, I had different singers trying to add their lyrics and vocals to the track but I wasn’t fully satisfied. Then I decided to write my own lyrics and imaging what I would like a female voice to sound like on my song, but I didn’t finish those simple lyrics until I net Fairy Muze. She did it without effort. And have the track a bit of more commercial hint.  

Can you discuss how you created and layered the melodies to build the track’s sonic landscape? 

For her vocals, I made her sing the lyrics and melodies with her normal vocal tone, then an octave higher and lower, then I mixed those stems separately.  

I did the same for the most of the synths, but adding 5th harmonies, 3rds and 7ths here and there.  

How did you approach the mixing and mastering process for this track? Were  there any particular challenges you faced? 

Actually, this track was probably one of the fastest songs I’ve mixed and mastered. I took so much time perfecting each sound individually that when the time came to mix and master it was 80% mixed already.  

How did you design the rhythmic elements and driving bassline to balance the intensity and hypnotic energy of ‘Take Me Back’? 

Like I said in the beginning, my trick was to reverse the bassline, that immediately gave the bassline a natural attack setting where the bass and kick where not competing for attention and it gave the track that nice fat sound. 

Looking ahead, can you share what you have lined up next? Are there any more releases on the horizon? 

Yes, I felt like releasing new tracks every 2 to 3 weeks. Sounds crazy, but I have so much music in my studio, I’m just gonna release like crazy and see what happens. I have a song release on September 6th, it’s called ‘Clown Town’ very aggressive synths, then another track on September 20th called ‘Fack It’, more Meldic House & Techno.  

We thank Angel for joining us on this behind-the-scenes look at his latest track, ‘Take Me Back.’ We hope this insight into his creative process and collaboration with Fairy Muze has offered a deeper understanding of his music and approach to music production, that keeps putting forward unmissable tracks that highlight his unique sound. Stay tuned for more from Angel as he continues to explore and innovate within his soundscape. 

Listen and Buy ‘Take Me Back ft. Fairy Muze’ Now: 


Angel Parilli Online      

Beatport | Spotify | Instagram     

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