Hey Dillistone, thanks for joining us! Want to start off by talking about your new release with Medina ‘Weightless’. What does this track mean to you?
Thank you <3 to me ‘Weightless’ is a nostalgic look back at where you came from and wishing things could be as light now as they were done.
How did the collaboration come about?
I’d been waiting for the right track to send to Medina for a while – the right moment to go “hey do you wanna finish this with me?” and one session Jaro, a fantastic writer friend of mine, and I had come up with a bit of a concept and it just went click. We got it sent to Medina’s team and within no time they were game. It’s been pedal to the metal ever since haha
How was it different from past collaborations with other artists?
It’s different in the sense that Medina is one of the first artists I ever heard make melancholic dance tracks and really just smash it out the park – she is an artist i’ve looked up to for so long, so to be collaborating on a song with her is just incredible.
For people who haven’t heard the track yet, can you pitch it to them in a few words?
Look back, let go
Did you have any particular inspirations when it comes to the creation of this track?
I wanted to try process the feeling you get as you get older, of a time when it felt like the world was brighter and more colourful, and find a way to live through that experience.
If you could collaborate with another artists dead or alive on your next track, who would it be and why?
I mean, I’d love to see the magic Fred Again… has – so if he’s reading this collabro?
What else can we expect from Dillistone in 2024?
I’m first gonna sleep a few weeks catching up hahah but then I’m back playing shows in Denmark, Germany and Austria in the next few months – if you wanna swing by i’d love that there’s ticket links on my ig <3