Interview With Coal Temple


We sit down with Pontias, Mood Gorning and Albanø the minds behind new project Coal Temple. We celebrate their ‘Barbers’ EP and find out more about the minds behind the music…

Hi guys, great to have you here!

So, how did you guys come to meet and form the Coal Temple label?

A kind of friendship affair, we come from the same city and we shared good times and musical tastes from a long while together. It was natural for us to turn it into a music label.

What were the highlights of your 2023?

(Mood Gorning) : it was the big decision to create our own label and concerning parties, it was the pre opening of the Family Piknik Festival in august 2023 in front of almost 3 thousand people, I shared the stage with Albanø, the energy was unbelievable for this B2B. 

How has your 2024 been so far?

Super excited with our label launch ! Had already received an outstanding support about our inaugural release, and it’s make us so happy ! This new project excites us a lot !

About music, we had some great releases : 

Albanø & Mood Gorning on Go Deeva :

Pontias on Casomat :

Remixes by Mood Gorning on Beatfreak and Family Piknik :

Were you all musical growing up what drove you guys towards the electronic spectrum?

Mood Gorning and Pontias have musical education as drummer and pianist, Albanø more as a Dj. Finally, we found a perfect way to express ourselves with electronic spectrum, through production, djing and live act to !

What advise would you give to young producers looking to start a label of their own?

Trust yourself and be yourself, don’t try to imitate this or that, just because it’s trendy. Think about the essence of music itself, and not on where music can take you in the music industry.

What’s your studio set up like? Are you guys gear heads?

We love gear : Moog, Prophet, Nord Lead, Korg, Elektron, Novation, … but also some acoustic instruments or just sounds recorded with microphone to add some textures.

Above all, a good bear and sometimes some fernet branca to complete the set up and the studio night session never stop.

Where do you guys draw your inspiration from before jumping in the studio?

We love to improvise some shit after a long discussion or a little aperitif. Always excited by all the ideas we share in the studio. Sometimes it’s work, and sometimes … well… we click on the delete button the day after 😅

What music do you guys enjoy outside of the dance spectrum?

Hip Hop, Indie music, Rock, Jazz, World music… depends of the mood, but we enjoy a lot of music ! 

Or just some good country music riding our horse in red dead redemption… The best way to take some rest between studio sessions

How do you guys relax outside of the studio / DJ booth?

Friends, family, mountains, sport & some good food & wine

What are your essentials tracks at the moment?

Jon.K – Turn the Music Up (Original Mix)

Kadosh & Sean Doron – Three Chords Song

Wein – Downfall (Original mix)

What was the last track that blew you away?

Mila Journée – Diving (Losless Remix)

Whomadewho – Children (Mind Against & Dyzen Remix)

What does the rest of 2024 hold?

A lot of work with the label to grow up with him (exciting projects coming soon … with another track from among us three and an album for this summer), few gigs in France and in Italy and maybe more if Life is nice with us.

Get your copy of Barbers HERE

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