Present and Future: Canguru on His Current Sound, Creative Journey, and What’s Next


In the growing world of Electronic Music, Canguru brings a genuine and diverse approach to his sound, blending influences from a variety of genres, he draws on a wide range of experiences that shape his unique musical voice. His latest album, ‘Pick It Up’, showcases an introspective side, exploring themes that move beyond typical dance floor energy. We spoke with Canguru about his journey so far, recent collaborations, and his creative goals for the future, as we dive deeper into his creative process, inspirations, and aspirations for what’s next. 

Hi Canguru! How is everything going? 
I’m good, thanks! 

Reflecting on your journey so far, how would you say your diverse experiences have influenced the music you are creating right now? 
All these various experiences have influenced me a lot along the way. I guess I see this as a blessing and a curse in some ways to have had so many different experiences LOL! Because I’ve always found it hard to limit myself when it comes to influences of genres and styles. An analogy to this could be like a kid walking in a sweet shop and having to limit himself to only try a couple of sweets/flavours when actually there are hundreds to choose from! Sometimes I feel that having limitations in choices can be a good thing as well though when it comes to maintaining a steady creative flow and finding your niche audience. 

Can you share with us which of your recent releases you are most proud of and why? 
On my latest album Pick it up, I think the whole album is great, but if I had to choose one track, it would have to be I guess the last one: “Elevated”. This track has a very chilled-out “out of space” vibe, the lyrics are positive, and it transports the listener to another dimension. The whole vibe of this track is very transcendental and meditative. I think it is a great way to finish the album and it leaves the listener wanting more… 

Do you have any major milestones or goals you’re aiming for next? 
I would like to do a lot more collaborations with other artists/producers. I like the idea of bouncing off ideas with other creative minds. I also would like to release a lot more music regularly. My plan is to release a new album every year. I also can’t wait to play live again! It’s been too long since my last show. Ideally, I would love to go on tour with another artist/band as their support. I haven’t toured yet with Canguru, and it would be a great way to get my name out there. 

With Electronic Music constantly evolving, what new styles, instruments, or production techniques are you experimenting with in your current projects? 
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about experimenting with a less heavy production style/techniques: using a “less is more” method formula for producing songs. All I need is a good beat, a hook, and some cool vocals/lead line. Most of the music I release is often very lyric-based, and I would like to experiment more with instrumentals and with less lyrical content as well. I also play the saxophone, and I would like to focus on bringing it more forward in my productions. At some point, I plan to release an electronic album with the sax as the lead instrument. 

You’ve worked with various artists like Hayla and Sarah de Warren—are there any other artists or producers you’re currently collaborating with or hoping to work with soon? 
I’ve been working with my good friend Eric in Belgium on many new AltElectro-Pop tracks. We have written/produced about 15 tracks together so far and we are working on more as we go along. This is the main collaboration I am involved with at the moment, but I have just come back from ADE festival in Amsterdam and made some really good new connections there. I have made friends with an artist from New York called Andrew Canlon, and we are already working on collaborations together, writing/producing music! Other than that, I’m always on the lookout for other artists/producers to collaborate with, so if anyone out there is up for collaborating, hit me up! 

As someone who incorporates personal experiences into your music, is there a recent project or song that holds a particularly deep meaning for you? 
Well, this whole new album I have just released now (Pick it up) holds a very deep and personal meaning to me. I was going through a very dark time in my life at the time, and the lyrics are very much a deep introspection into my state of mind. It’s not really “party music” as such if you know what I mean, but more the type of music to reflect on. 

Through your career as a musician, what have been some of the most memorable moments for you? 
Performing at Kendal Calling Music Festival in the UK as well as my first concert in Berlin were both highlights in my Canguru journey so far. I miss performing live a lot and can’t wait to get back on stage! Another highlight was getting a Silver Nomination for my music video “Winner Today” at the Berlin Music Video Awards in 2021. 

What new musical directions or genres are you excited to experiment with in your future releases? 
I think that when it comes to musical directions and genres, I would like to slow down a bit and stick to the genres that I feel most attracted to. Experimenting with different styles is interesting, but I think that it is important for me to keep in mind to limit myself to a few genres only, as I still want my audience/fans to relate to my music to some extent. I think that if I venture down too many avenues when it comes to style and genres, I will eventually get lost and lose my sense of direction LOL! Over the years, I have always been very curious and keen to learn as much as I could along the way about a multitude of styles of music, but now I also realise that I would rather become a master of a few styles rather than a master of none if you know what I mean. It’s all about remembering not to spread myself too thin, I guess. 

Looking ahead, where do you see your career in Electronic Music progressing in the next five years, and what are you most looking forward to? 
Playing live for my beloved fans! Performing as a DJ and/or as Band leader. 

Canguru’s journey showcases his commitment to self-expression, experimentation, and the pursuit of authentic connections with listeners. As he looks ahead, he’s ready to bring his innovative spirit to stages worldwide, building on his vast experiences and exploring new depths in his sound. With ambitious goals for live performances and collaborative projects, his vision for the next years in Electronic Music is one filled with creativity, growth, and exciting transformations. 

Canguru Online 

Website | Instagram | Spotify   

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