Roberto Ceccato Interview [Q&A]


Roberto Ceccato, a music lover from a young age, started listening to music since the early 1990s. He approached club music in the early 2000s by falling in love with it. Not satisfied with the simple listening to music, he began to be passionate about music production and DJing since adolescence. In 2005 he began to play as a DJ in the Padua and Venice area, keeping to this day a pure house style with a fresh and contemporary touch given by the modern genres. He started releasing his own club tunes since 2015 like “Ehm” on the Italian label HouseBeat Records and more recently on labels like miniMarket Recordings and Adulta Records.

-Tell us please how you begin with music and djing?

I’ve been a music lover from a young age and started listening to music since the early 1990s. I approached club music in the early 2000s by falling in love with it. Not satisfied with the simple listening to music, I began to be passionate about music production and DJing since adolescence. With my first paycheck from a summer job I bought my first console and in 2005 I began to play as a DJ in the Padua and Venice area, keeping to this day a pure house style with a fresh and contemporary touch given by the modern genres. 

-How do you stay up to date with the latest music trends?

I use to follow my favorite artists, labels on digital stores and socials to stay up to date with their releases and I also listen to tons of new released and unreleased music on Bandcamp and other music channels.

-With which labels and artists have you worked on?

Adulta Records which released my tracks in the past 3 years such as “Even If” and “Mercury Retrograde”, HouseBeat Records that released my first track called “Ehm” and miniMarket Recordings which is releasing my new upcoming tunes “Way Too Much” and “I Promise”.

-Any new releases?

In the next weeks two new singles will be released by miniMarket Recordings, an Italian-based label. One is a pure house track with a sexy vocal and deep bass. The other is straight bass – progressive tune with a very long exciting build-up in the middle and a cool drop. 

-In the studio, what’s your set-up?

I use Ableton with tons of VST and sample libraries. On my desk: an APC40 MKII controller, a little AKAI keyboard, a Focusrite audio interface. Three different kinds of monitor speakers and some audio switches. I started many years ago with FL Studio with which I made my first track release “Ehm”.

-What’s your creative process in the studio?

I usually start creating the bass and then the right kick to fit it. Then I start to add melodies or vocals that I cut and tweak properly to fit the bass soul. A rule that I usually follow is to put 2 build-ups in the track to give 2 hi-energy moments. After finishing the music composing, I do the mixing of the track by myself.

-Your typical DJ set-up?

2 x Pioneer CDJ2000 NXS2 and Pioneer DJM900 NXS2.

-How do you think the electronic music scene was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?

In my opinion with the obligation to stay at home many aspiring producers have grown and have increased their skills. On the other hand, once the covid is over, I see many more events and DJ gigs than before, probably because people want to have fun and make up for lost time.

-Do you have other activities beside music?

Yes, I am also involved in the automotive electronics industry as well as having a great passion for technology and automation.

-What can we expect from you in the future?

I will certainly release other tracks of mine and made in collaboration with other artists.

Follow Roberto Ceccato: Instagram | Facebook | Official Website

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