Tensteps Talks About His 2022, His Favorites, What He’s Learned And His Highlights Of The Year


2023 is approaching and what better way to welcome it than to remember the main highlights of the past year. Music, unique milestones and new projects are some of the things Tensteps experienced in 2022. We invited him to talk more about what this past year meant, what he learned and what are his plans for the holidays. 

Hi, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. 2022 is almost over, we want to know what is your most important highlight of the year, both musically and personally?   
Honestly, I think it’s just having made the best music I’ve ever made. I guess that covers both professional and personal, Haha.  I’ve put everything into this next batch of music, and I’m super excited to share it with everyone. 

What was your favorite release of 2022 (of your own)?  

I think ‘Chasing Fires’ is probably my favorite of my tracks this year. It’s one of those tracks where everything just came together perfectly. 

And what was your favorite track of the year from someone else?  

There’s a couple that stand out from this year, but the first one that comes to mind is Ashley Wallbridge & John Weber ft. Bodine – ‘Flashing Lights’. Without a doubt one of the top tracks of the year for me. 

Did you have any special standout shows this year either that you played or attended? 
Playing on Menno de Jong’s farewell tour was an absolute honor.  That guy is such a legend in Trance music so to be able to send him off was incredible.  As far as shows I’ve attended, Dreamstate SoCal was the highlight I think.  Quite a few of my friends played (Jorza, Taylor Torrence, and SCHALA), and I love being able to support those guys. 

What was the biggest lesson you learned in life 2022?  
Maybe not ‘learned’, but ‘re-affirmed’ – you need to find the right balance between patience and impatience. 

And following on, what was the biggest lesson you learned in music?  
Same answer as above haha. 

If you could send yourself a message to you 5 years ago, what would it be and why?  
You’re going to be friends with people you’ve been looking up to for years, and crazy things are going to happen that you’d never have dreamed of. 

How has your sound developed in 2022?  

I’ve brought in more elements from outside of Trance music.  I listen to a lot of Melodic Dubstep so there’s a bit of that in there, some callbacks to the pre-Tensteps days when I was making more mainstream EDM, even a little bit of Rock influence hidden from time to time. You’ll hear all of this in 2023 as that music starts getting released. 

Who would you say was the most innovative artist in 2022?  

I would probably say Illenium.  His rock/electronic collabs like the one with Spiritbox definitely help broaden people’s musical horizons. 

Which label or labels do you think where at the top of their game in 2022?  
Find Your Harmony has been on fire this year, very proud to call them my home label. 

If any, do you have any regrets for the year behind us?  
No point in having regrets, I’m too busy working towards the future. 

What are your plans for the holidays?  
Some much needed downtime before 2023 gets going.  I have some pretty big announcements to make as soon as 2023 hits so I’m gonna take this time to relax while I have it. 

Just for fun, if you had to take a classic Christmas song and remix it, what style would it be and what could we expect?  
‘Jingle Bell Rock’ but Psytrance. 

Where will you be spending New Year’s Eve?  

At home in Las Vegas. 

If you had to put 2022 into one sentence, what would it be?  

A big improvement from 2021, Haha. 

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